Map, Time, Side | Screenshot, Description | Enemies | Max points* | Download | 6ThAztecTempleUS [40 mins] | This old CTF classic has been infested with cunning VC killers - eager to make a bloody example of your team. | 54 | 520 | 7MB |
6Th_AmonHen [60 mins] | It's a long way down from the top. Beware the cliff faces and unexpected enemy positions in the large and varied terrain. | 54 | 520 | 36MB |
Argonath_Port_VCC [40 mins] | Not a good map for you if you're scared of spiders! This unusual map combines the cave pathways in a mountain with the outdoor buildings of a jungle port. | 48 | 490 | 27MB |
CanThoCE [40 mins] | Watch for enemy grenades as you assault this VC base in the hills. | 45 | 475 | 9MB |
GW_HoChiMinhs_home_US [30 mins] | If you ever wondered what Ho Chi Minh's home looks like, you can find out when you clear the house and surrounding area. | 52 | 510 | 50MB |
OrangeCity [60 mins] | Beware the camping US forces in this urban assault - they will surprise you if you're not careful! | 52 | 510 | 77MB |
TP-SWEEP-VC [40 mins] | Explore the swampy marshland at dawn and eliminate the encroaching US enemies. | 50 | 500 | 18MB |
VET_CHECKPOINT [60 mins] | The VC are embedded deep into several positions around their camp and nearby dwellings - eliminate them all. Note: Includes 5 friendly AIs. | 46 | 480 | 22MB |
[AT]Fort_Osgiliath [40 mins] | Attempting this mission with shotguns could be risky - Charlie are crawling all over this map. | 53 | 515 | 4MB |
{420}Home [40 mins] | Spawning in enemy hills can't be much harder than this - you'll need eyes in the back of your head. | 44 | 470 | 17MB |
*Includes perfect success but not extras such as knife kills or shotguns only.