This Tournament has produced some interesting results on a wide range of maps.
This page pays respect to the Tournament winners as well as showing other achievements and contributions.
Congratulations to the winners of all awards for 2021!
This award goes to all players of the winning team.
Zark - MaCCeSo
- BiOrb
- Shady
- Pvt. DooD
LzR recorded a massive 2770 points in total for their map attempts. They only had 23 deaths and scored 3 perfect rounds! This team worked together really well with strong discipline and clearly structured play. Their tactics seemed to evolve during the Tournament and as the map selection demonstrated... they were not immune from a bad round. However, they were consistent in their results and are very worthy winners of this first RCT. Congratulations LzR!
But in between the results and the wins and the tragedies, there have been moments when individuals have shined.
Of course, each member of the winning team is recognised but there are also some other awards that should be presented. They are also listed below.
To the player who made the first knife kill of the Tournament.
Before anyone else had even played VET_CHECKPOINT, BiOrb had scored the first knife kill of the Tournament. It was a sneaky realisation that with the VC spawning randomly, you could get to a VC quickly at the start of the map. Nice job BiOrb! Check out the replay file.
For the player who got the first kill with a trap.
Pvt. Pirate
It's hard to believe that in a Tournament of 10 maps with 4 teams, there was only 1 enemy killed with a trap! So this award is not only for the first trap kill but actually the only trap kill! Very well done Pvt. Pirate! Check out the replay file.
This is for the player who made the best finish of a map attempt on their own.
It was LzR's final attempt on the map: CanThoCE. The rest of his team was dead but it didn't stop MaCCeSo slowly and carefully cleaning up the last 14 enemies. Very cool play MaCCesco! Check out the replay file.
To the player who performed the most courageous and determined move - for the benefit of the team.
The pressure was on in the final minutes of the Amigos' CanTho map attempt. With no grenades left and one enemy left in the water, Tuca! was faced with a risky decision. He made a brave choice and it paid off - nicely done Tuca!. Check out the replay file.
The players who save their team from a terrible and certain map defeat.
Confused Master - Doc Holliday
Within a few minutes of starting their second attempt of the final map of the Tournament, tragedy strikes... 3 of the Pterodon-Madau team die to an enemy grenade near spawn! It is left to CM and Doc.H to eliminate 43 enemies. It's a fantastic finish that is worth seeing for yourself. Check out the replay file.
The person who showed the most committment to the RCT.
There's no replay file that can capture the committment and enthusiasm that sonic has shown in this Tournament. He has helped so much and in many ways. sonic gave his time and energy to 3 of the 4 teams, he saved two teams from destruction by helping them combine into a new team and he also did the most hours of Referee work and assisted other Refs. The RCT thanks you and recognises your amazing commitment. You are appreciated by all RCT Admins, Refs and others who have taken part.